
Automatic payment in progress Wire transfer to bank account - Google AdSense

Can you see the message 'Automatic payment in progress Wire transfer to bank account'? Read this article to know more about this status.

If you can"Automatic payment in progress Wire transfer to bank account" in the payment history, It does not mean that you will receive payment after you see this. This status is put  by adsense if your payment is ready to be transferred.

When adsense team sends your bank information, amount to be transferred to their bank, you will get "Automatic payment in progress Wire transfer to bank account".

Once the status changed to "Payment initiated", Then the payment will be transferred to your account.and you can the money within 2 to 3 days.

It will take few hours to few days to change the status to  Payment initiated from
Automatic payment in progress Wire transfer to bank account

If you thinking that your payment is delayed, Check the status once on your payment history on adsense account.

Reasons behind the delay in AdSense wire transfer 

To get more idea about this Read -!category-topic/adsense/yshuNADnslw



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