
Blue Dart status flight/vehicle/train delayed/cancelled

Are you getting the blue dart tracking status as flight/vehicle/train delayed/cancelled? Searching for the solution for it and what to do?In this article you will get the information about why the status is showing like this and answer for it.

Blue Dart status flight/vehicle/train delayed/cancelled
Many people often see this status when they track their google adsense checks, flipcart products, visa applications and more which are delivered via bluedart. When the enter their reference number or waybill number threre is chance that you may see 'flight/vehicle/train delayed/cancelled contact customer care'.

What to do next if I get the status as flight/vehicle/train delayed/cancelled?
If you get this status do not worry about your shipment, It does not mean that your shipment is lost.yo will get it but not at correct time as they said. Wait couple of days and check the status.if it has not changed then contact customer care.

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